NPC 2015/192035/08 & NPO 008968
Willem & Berdina Boshoff run Angel Wings Care Centre

We care and cater for disabled persons, abused woman, children and men, single parents with children, single women and men who fell in life through circumstances. Most of our pensioners are people who do have families but don't want to be a burden on their shoulders. We are a registered (NPC) Non-Profitable Company / Organization managed by voluntary workers. Our aim is to provide the underprivileged people with housing, food, clothing, employment and God's word.

As we are not financially sponsored by any organization we therefore have no alternative but to appeal to the generosity of the public and the private sector for support. At this stage we accommodate +-190 people. They vary from the age 1 month to 82 years (of whom 20 are children), lack of finance, food, clothing and bedding prevents progress.

Our next goal is to raise money for alterations and erections of a dining hall and an ablution facility for our disabled people in the Centre if it is possible we will appreciate it if you can help us with any building material for example, bricks, cement, trusses, sheeting etc. or a possible cash donation.

We would like to make use of this opportunity in thanking you, your families and business for your support and help this year. God's richest blessings.

Our aim is to assist the needs of the people and get them back into a normal environment. We invite you to pay us a visit at any time to assure yourself that your support is being used accordingly.

The Board constitutes the following members:
LOUIS PIENAAR (Chairman), WILLEM BOSHOFF (Managing Director), BERDINA BOSHOFF (Deputy Managing Director), MANIE VAN ZYL (Financial Director),
CHRIS OLIVIER (Director) and GLEN LESTER *(Non-Executive Director).
"We Care For The Needy"
©Angel Wings Care Centre
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