NPO 008968
We thank all our Sponsors for their contributions to Angel Wings in the past 14years.
Without your help and the grace of God we would not be able to survive.
Special thanks to the ROUND TABLE and ROTARY for the projects they have sponsored in the past.
Rotary-service above self
Rotary continues to attract leading business and professional people who want to play a part in helping to improve a community life.
There are over 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide, spread through 168 countries in 32 202 clubs.
The Benoni Rotary clubs meet on different days at different times each week.
Each club in Benoni currently has a major project in progress :
Benoni Aurora Club focuses on MUTISA - a project run within the Modder-B prison helping inmates to re - integrate into society positively and HOMESTART - A project to assist disfunctional families with at least one child under the age of six, through a process of counseling.
CHILDREN'S CHARITIES - an annual big walk is facility to raise funds specifically for children's charities.
Benoni Club focuses on NORAH'S DAYCARE CENTRE - a project to build a pre-primary school and day care centre in Etwatwa.The future vision includes an Aids orphanage and a clinic.
Benoni van Ryn club focuses on THE LODGE - a facility accommodating people who have been through successful drug and substance abuse rehabilitation, helping them re-integrate into society. In addition the club plans to create a FOOTBALL FIELD for the residents in Etwatwa.
In addition the three clubs are either jointly or individually involved in supporting Hospice East Rand, the salvation Army, the SA guide Dog Association, Angel Wings Care Centre, Meals on wheels, homes for the aged, Business Against Crime, food for the destitute and Aids orphans.
Since Rotary's earliest days, Rotarians have taken a special interest in developing the potential of young people, acting as tutors and mentors in the Strive programme,sponsoring youth programmes such as Rota buddies (primary school), interact (High School), Rotar act (working individuals between the ages of 18- 30)and Rotary youth Leadership Awards(development of leadership capabilities).
Rotary is non- religious, non- political, non-sexist and is motivated by its motto "service above self" .If you would like to find out more about joining one of the three Rotary Clubs in Benoni, contact Alan Parkinson on 083 631 9282 and visit for rotary international information.
DIMI - Die Infinity Musiek Initiatief.
"We Care For The Needy"
©2015 Angel Wings Care Centre